Amorism Day

Improved the 2023-03-08 at 20:17 grammar; at 20:02 Thomas. This article was published the 2023-03-08 at 11:29 on

Codex Gigas is the World's
largest Medieval scripture. 
It contains a Bible and more.
(I suggest translators to Swedish start
to translate the name Codex Gigas
to Jätteboken since this corresponds
better to the latin).
The United Nations celebrates the international Women's Day the 8:th of March annually. The UN celebrates the International Childrens’ Day the 20:th of November annually. (Here The UN works like some new world order religion.) But The UN does not celebrate any Males' Day. That's injust. But there is a suggestion from Thomas Oaster to celebrate the international Men's Day the 19:th of November annually. The discussion about a Males' Day or Men's Day has continued since the 1920:s. Before Thomas the 23 of February was suggested. Amorism agrees that it is good to celebrate the lives of children, adults, women, men, animals and other beings. For Amorism it's not the most important to mention the word ‘international’ or a specific sex or specific age or specific being. That's because Amorism includes every being in the universe from eternity to eternity, as explained in the statutes of the Amorists’ Church (Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism), founded in the year 2012 and in the book book Amorism published in the year 2016. 

If the UN doesn't include any international Male Day I recommend celebrating the Amorism Day daily and annually. Amorism hallows common sense; namely in the Amoristic virtue called (mental) strength. Amorism believes that every one of the highest aware beings is more or less egoist. Amorism does not condemn all egoism. Amorism differs between righteous egoism and unrighteous egoism; this with the unique and new) definition of righteousness. Amorism is a holy, complementary and revealing (and voluntarily morally healing) alternative to exclusive egoism; as mentioned in the Amoristic creed. Amorism is a holy education and a ground for free willing meditation and self insight.

Links to hundreds of articles on Amorism. Some are in English.

Referenser och Länkar 

Symbol för amorism®
och Amoristerna.
till några (av de hundratals) artiklarna på I en av länkarna kan du läsa om boken Amorism och gärna även köpa den. Även artikel om hur du ger gåvor till Amoristerna. Lista över länkarna, klicka här: Dessa länkar förklarar mera om amorism.

Vänliga hälsningar till alla från Fredrik och Amoristerna!

Jag är filosofen, grundaren och ledaren (biskop) i Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism®.

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