This article was published the 2022-07-28 at 11:20 o'clock Swedish time on
The most important in Amorism is the Amoristic vision. The most important aspect of Amorism is the Amoristic vision. Until another is proved: Amorism is open for God and/or scientific ideas of the creation of the Universe and our lives.The amoristic vision became clear to me some time after the year 2000 A.D.. The vision can be condensed to: wish total happiness to all creatures now and in eternity. I found that a new philosophy of love was necessary to explain the vision. For instance: love does not need to be friendship or liking. Mankind needs a better definition of love to understand the vision.
Amorism is not about politics. I invented the concept of 'Love drive', published in my book 'Amorism, välvilja kärlek lycka' in the year 2016. The Amoristic creed explains the Amoristic vision. When we get time it will be translated to English. When this article is written I'm working on an improved creed: support Amorism. More about the amoristic vision can be read in the article in Swedish: Amoristiska visionen.
References and links
Referenser och Länkar
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Symbol för amorism® och Amoristerna. |
Jag är filosofen, grundaren och ledaren (biskop) i Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism®.
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