This article was improved the 2022-07-28 at 10:12 o'clock Swedish time. This article was published the 2022-07-27 at 22:47 o'clock Swedish time on
This article is intended to be increased. This topic does not affect amorism (until other is proved). Amorism is open for scientific ideas of the creation of the Universe. The most important in Amorism is the Amoristic vision.The present Big Bang theory may not show the beginning of the Universe. The present calculated age of (12,5 –) 13,8 billion years may be too young. But it is at least likely that the Universe is expanding; therefore the so called 'inflation theory' may still be valid.
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Jag är filosofen, grundaren och ledaren (biskop) i Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism®.
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