The scale of righteousness

This article was published on the 2020-07-20 at 01:57 o'clock.

Jpg. scale of righteousness
The first edition
of the book Amorism.
According to Amorism®: righteousness starts in the point of righteousness. There the beeing has total benevolence. The more of the other Amoristic virtues that are realized the more righteous is the person or act. The concept "scale of righteousness" was created to clarify the concept of righteousness and to deepen the the definition and the understanding of righteousness. The scale of righteousness is an Amoristic concept. In Swedish it is called rättfärdighetsskalan. The use of the scale of righteousness is to explain why some acts are more righteous than others.

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Jag är filosofen, grundaren och ledaren (biskop) i Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism®.

1 kommentar:

  1. Good, informative, important and pioneering work! We wish you and Amorim good luck. Kindest regards from Professor Olof Vesterberg


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