Image of the book Amorism. Please, support my writing of the next edition. |
Omnibenevolence is what Amorism hallows the most, but with extra explanations of the concept benevolence and the concepts all or omni~. Omnibenevolence is called omnibenevolens in Swedish. Before Amorism the concepts benevolence and love were too fuzzy. We noticed that there are many misconceptions when we educated about benevolence, love and Amorism. Therefore Amorism has created new and good enough definitions of such and other important concepts (like goodness, morality etc.). Amorism differentiates the concepts. That's important for better education, more exact language, less misconceptions and better developments of the souls. Amorism has our own definitions of omnibenevolence and other concepts. Some of other philosophers' definitions has so far not been good enough. Amorism also reveals that there is no true love without benevolence. Some humans can have (and God may have) total omnibenevolence. (That's one way to be a holy being. But Amorism does not depend on God, holiness etc.. Amorism still exists even if such don't exist.)
I have created or improved several definitions. I work out of grace and joy to clarify philosophy and holiness. Unfortunately no salury. Please support. |
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Jag är filosofen, grundaren och ledaren (biskop) i Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism®.
Thank you for the good article. I remember many misconceptions before Amorism.
SvaraRaderaGood luck with the development of Amorism. Kindest regards from Olof Vesterberg, Professor.
Important article about very important words for all humans. You have clarified that benevolence is an important character of humans and other beings. Clarifications instead of other philosophers’ unclear or confusing explanations and definitions. You also pioneer by finding out that benevolence and the love-drive is crucial for behaviour, cooperation and quality of life. I’m looking foreword to help reading more of your texts and publications. I support you fully. Olof Vesterberg, Professor, M.D.