Black Lives Matter

Improved the 2020-08-29 at 10:24 o'clock; 20-08-02 Swedish time every being is discriminated; 20-07-30 confusion due to redefinition of the concept of discrimination. This article was published the first time on the 2020-07-27 at 10:12 o'clock Swedish time.

Jpg. discrimination
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the next edition of the book
Amorism. The book is
in the image.

All lives matter. White lives matter, yellow lives matter, red lives matter, brown lives matter. This article describes my private faith. Amorists don't need to agree with my private faith. (The word "black" in this article could be kept or changed to one of all other colours.) In my heart and officially I hallow amorism, namely total benevolence to all beings. I believe that every being discriminates. Unfortunately, there will always be some inequality and some discrimination. The ones who look for a totally non discriminating and totally equal life will be disappointed. Every being is discriminated because of its genetic treats and because of its social status. All races are discriminated by their own races and by other races. Stop to deny discrimination! But I think that some instances of discrimination are unnecessary and caused by unrighteous egoism. An example of unnecessary discrimination in my private opinion is that we Amorists are discriminated sometimes because of our Amoristic religious faith, for instance in mass media and in schools. This discrimination is extremely bad for all, especially in the long run. This discrimination is proven by the article dominating mass media (and Wikipedia)

The flag of the United Nations.
In the USA and other countries some sorts of discrimination is prohibited. And the UDHR (United Nations Declaration on Human Rights) condemns racial and religious discrimination. I don't hallow UDHR since it's formulation isn't good enough, not much to trust since it is too fuzzy and self contradicting in too many many aspects. This is obvious since UDHR is implemented in USA, Russia, Great Britain, China, France and many other states since the 1940’s. (And in the GDR.) And still inequality exists there. But a serious problem for all beings is that many human beings have wrong conceptions of righteousness since they are not educated about Amoristic definition of righteousness. Don't expect too much from legislation. And I don’t think that legislation is the main problem for the blacks, whites etc.. But the foremost problem is lack of Amorism (true hallowing of the Amoristic virtues, total benevolence). But the foremost problem is lack of Amorism (true hallowing of the Amoristic virtues, total benevolence). The second worst problem is lack of legislative support for education about Amorism. This is (one of) the greatest problem(s) for all living beings.

It is popular to deny
discrimination. Example: Above
is a flag of the abolished socialist
state GDR or DDR (with explaining
 text). There and in all other states
discrimination was denied.
Also nowadays many persons
and states in the whole world
deny that they themselves
 Unfortunately it seems to be necessary to discriminate. Every individual and every group discriminates. A characteristic of some unaware and some hypocrites is: they deny that they themselves discriminate. I and Amorism says: the difference between beings is not that some beings discriminate and others don't discriminate. The difference is in: what different beings discriminate. There may be different opinions about what is okay to discriminate. Much confusion is caused by that some (hypocrites) have tried to redefine the meaning of the word discrimination. (By the way: I have met many anti-racists who seem to discriminate persons because of facial appearances, intelligence or other more or less genetic treats.) Nowadays racial discrimination is illegal in many (or most?) states.

Jpg. morally acceptable discriminationTo be true: a lot of discrimination is legal. And noone has presented a good enough principle to stop all discrimination. To be honest: some discrimination seems to be essential to life or even good. But Amorism has one of the best ideas about handling or at least understanding discrimination instead of hypocritically deny the existence of discrimination. Namely: Amorism differs righteous discrimination from unrighteous discrimination. And necessary discrimination from unnecessary discrimination. And morally acceptable discrimination from morally unacceptable discrimination. But amorism is not politics. But discrimination is probably unavoidable. Amorism educates about the truth. I warn for how other ideas than Amorism define "morally acceptable discrimination". 

By the way, there is no bigger need to remove or raise statues if one is not righteous. All human beings have weaknesses and aspects that is not liked by all.

Referenser och Länkar 

Symbol för amorism®
och Amoristerna.
till några (av de hundratals) artiklarna på I en av länkarna kan du läsa om boken Amorism och gärna även köpa den. Även artikel om hur du ger gåvor till Amoristerna. Lista över länkarna, klicka här: Dessa länkar förklarar mera om amorism.

Vänliga hälsningar till alla från Fredrik och Amoristerna!

Jag är filosofen, grundaren och ledaren (biskop) i Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism®.

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