Amorism® is not politics. Amorism is a holy teaching and religion about love, benevolence and virtues. I personally prefer information and articles to improve if one is disappointed on anything. You do not need to agree with me since amorism is a undemanding faith.
This article is written to my friend L. This article may be improved. I need to correct it. This article is not ready yet.
Background to the article
Jesus said: love God and your neighbour as yourself.
Amorism hallows a undemanding vision which can be defined as: total benevolence to all beings exists in every righteous being even if the being can't implement such benevolence.
The Quran and Islam is a religion with laws. Some punishments in sharia, the Quran are hard and rough compared to Swedish laws. I talked to the Swedish psychiatry and Swedish Police. They seemed to be kind. You were set free by the Police. After you escaped from the psychiatry the psychiatry said that you are not chased by the them. They accept your escape.
I don't understand how police or psychiatry would improve if Russia and Iran attacked Sweden or the USA. You wrote an own article "Jihad against police and psychiatry". (I've met another psychiatric patient expressing himself similarly.) I don't think that islam will solve the problem better, unless islam and others start hallowing total benevolence. Anyway your mentioned title shows strong discontentment. The 2020-06-14 I met you L. By coincidence I also met two other ex psychiatric patients J1 and S. After that discussion I asked (by telephone call) a third person who is also an ex psychiatric patient J2. All agreed in what I would say: you wish more politeness from the psychiatry. I would also help you to formulate your wish: you wish more love from the psychiatry; amorism says that amoristic defintions of love is important education. Amorism has a strength: amoristic terminology. Amorism has exact (unique) meanings of the concepts. You find the definitions in the links above (swedish articles). You also said that drugs are used too much and automatic; not as a consequence of verified need.
J2 earlier mentioned that psychiatry can be used as an immoral and dishonest way of oppressing persons. The legislation may easily be abused. Unnecessary and unjustified treatment: everyone who has been locked in in psychiatry is not mentally ill. Each such case is bad for psychiatry. But some unrighteous persons comitting wrongdoings in their profession as psychiatrists won't admit their immoral (legal or illegal) wrongdoings.
I believe that amorism (the holy teaching) can improve jails and psychiatric institutions.
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