Translation of the book Amorism

Improved the 2022-03-07 at 15:04 o'clock Swedish time on
Image of the book Amorism
The book Amorism can be translated to english if we get financial gift (totally 150 000 SEK). This is includes translation-support from the author Fredrik Vesterberg. Write Translation on the donation to the bank Nordea Plusgirot, account 1354559-5 (For payment fråm outside of Sweden add: BIC: ................ IBAN:  ............
There is a link to the article on economy of Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism about such digits: English definition of-amorism and Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism

Support the writing of new books and more translations of amorism and translation of the book Amorism. Link: Translation.

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