Total benevolence (specification of omnibenevolence)

This article was improved the 2020-07-23 link; 20-07-20 repaired article. This article was first published in the year 2013 on

Jpg. Perfect benevolence
Image of Bishop 
Fredrik Vesterberg.
Amorism is another word 
for total benevolence.
Perfect benevolence or total benevolence is the essence of amorism®. According to amorism total benevolence is also the essence of righteousnessAccording to amorism total benevolence means to wish total happiness to all (beings and creatures). Amorism and the book Amorism explains how total benevolence is real for advanced beings (like some humans), not a utopia. Also the Amoristic creed explains. Amorism and the book explains why this concept is very important if one wishes to better understand oneself and other beings. And to develop oneself. 

Jpg. total benevolence
Image of the Swedish book
Amorism, välvilja kärlek lycka
can be translated to the title:
Amorism, benevolence love
. Bishop Fredrik

develops the definitions.
Amorism (Bishop Fredrik) has created some concepts in order to explain what amorism means with total benevolence (omnibenevolence or total omnibenevolence). This is to clarify and to differ total benevolence from other forms of omnibenevolence and other forms of benevolence. In order to explain: other concepts were needed to be better defined than pre-amoristic philosophy. Unappropriate definitions were and are rejected. Some new concepts were created. Bishop Fredrik and amorism has succeeded in creating better and good enough definitions. Without amoristic definitions the concept of total benevolence will be misunderstood, for instance thought of as being impossible or crazy. 

The first edition of the book was published in the year 2016. It's written in Swedish. Amorism is a new philosophy, faith and religion. Created by the Swede Fredrik Vesterberg in the year 2012. Simultaneously he also founded the Church: Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism. Read an english poem about total benevolence. Total benevolence can also be called omnibenevolence or even clerarer: total omnibenevolence.

Jpg. total benevolence
Total benevolence,
perfect benevolence or 
in French. That along with 
some other of the
amoristic virtues,
in the image written 
in French.
Please, support the writing of new books on Amorism and translation of the books and Amorist texts from Swedish to English. Link: Translation.

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Referenser och Länkar 

Symbol för amorism®
och Amoristerna.
till några (av de hundratals) artiklarna på I en av länkarna kan du läsa om boken Amorism och gärna även köpa den. Även artikel om hur du ger gåvor till Amoristerna. Lista över länkarna, klicka här: Dessa länkar förklarar mera om amorism.

Vänliga hälsningar till alla från Fredrik och Amoristerna!

Jag är filosofen, grundaren och ledaren (biskop) i Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism®.

1 kommentar:

  1. Good, informative, important and pioneering work! We wish you and Amorim good luck. Kindest regards from Professor Olof Vesterberg


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